Gatorade sports drink was created for a single purpose, to fuel athletic performance. and over the last 50 years, we’ve put in countless hours in the lab and on the field to ensure that every single ingredient within it is a reflection of that mission.
Fluids to help hydrate the body.
Consuming fluids during exercise keeps your blood volume up and your core temperature down. Both help you fight fatigue so that you can continue to perform at your best.
Electrolytes to help replenish what is lost in sweat.
When you sweat you lose more than water, you also lose electrolytes. Electrolytes like potassium and sodium play a key role in brain -to-muscle communication, which is important for performance. Intense workouts may lead to intense sweating, and you have a lot to lose.
Carbs to help fuel working muscles.
Carbs are the preferred fuel source for your brain and muscles. during training, you may use or deplete carbohydrate energy stored in the form of glycogen which can negatively affect performance.
Your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar molecules. For your brain, sugars can help improve concentration, helping you make better split second decisions during the game. For your muscles they are easily digested, absorbed and quickly oxidized to provide energy during high-intensity or prolonged exercise.